Sunday, March 25, 2012

We Muse Pursue Our Hearts' Desire

Caroline and I enjoyed our stay at Ramsgate, and I feel the visit has lifted Mr. Darcy's spirits to some extent; however, the stay has led me to a most significant revelation. As I observed Miss. Darcy, I found her to be an extraordinarily accomplished and beautiful young woman, however I also saw significant incompatibility between she and I. She does not enjoy the beauties of life, as Jane always did, and she is always so aggressive at her works; a life spent with her would be far too stressful for me to bear. Anyway, I have come to the realization that we must spend our lives with those who make us happy. We must marry for love, and not connections. I see now why Mr. Darcy was so compelled to propose to Elizabeth, and how he is just in doing so. And I see now that I cannot chose to spend my life with Miss. Darcy.

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