Sunday, April 8, 2012

I Finally Did It!

I spent the morning shooting foul with Mr. Bennet, and, much to my delight, I found him to be quite an agreeable man. I spent the day with the Bennets (Mr. Darcy has been on business in London) and I had the most pleasant dinner with the family. However, it was not until after tea in the parlor that I found time alone with Jane. I honestly had to restrain myself from laughing at how Mrs. Bennet called Jane's sisters out of the room, to leave Jane and I alone, and I am frankly thankful for her efforts. Out of my burning love for my dear Jane, I worked up the courage right there to propose for her, and received the wonderful response of her overjoyed acceptance of my proposal and elated dash from the room to tell her father. I am truly the happiest man on Earth, and I plan on spending every second I can with Jane, my true love.

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