Monday, April 2, 2012

Lydia Has Fallen Victim

Mr. Darcy conveyed to me this morning some quite distressing news, which necessitates Elizabeth, and her company's, premature return to Longbourn. It seems that Lydia, one of Jane's younger sisters, has run away with no other than Mr. Wickham! It is quite unfortunate too see one of such a wholesome family as the Bennets fall victim to the keniving unscrupulosity of such a vile man as Mr. Wickham. I do apologize for my temperament; however, I do find it hard to contain my disgust for the man, after what he has done to my dear friend. I am also afraid the Bennets will consider this misfortune a source of embarrassment; I completely understand the unfortunate circumstance and I feel the poor family does not deserve such distress. Anyway, Mr. Darcy has confided in me his plans to leave for London tomorrow in search for Lydia and Wickham. My desire to accompany Mr. Darcy is profound; however, he has requested that I look after his sister in his absence, and I plan to remain loyal to my good friend.

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